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2022-11-06 09:23:37 4625

摘要:来源丨Solarbe GlobalSpain, Portugal to lead renewables in Europe, says Rystad西班牙、葡萄牙将引领欧洲可再生能源开发Spain and Portugal have the...

来源丨Solarbe Global

Spain, Portugal to lead renewables in Europe, says Rystad


Spain and Portugal have the potential to become a “European energy powerhouse,” according to a new study by Norway-based consulting firm Rystad Energy. The Iberian Peninsula reportedly has a lot of renewables potential, as well as natural gas supplies from North Africa (rather than Russia) and lower electricity prices than the rest of Europe.

挪威咨询公司Rystad energy的一项新研究显示,西班牙和葡萄牙有潜力成为“欧洲能源强国”。据报道,伊比利亚半岛拥有大量可再生能源潜力,北非的天然气供应以及比欧洲其他地区更低的电价。

Spain was the third-largest energy exporter in Europe in the first three quarters of 2022, behind only Sweden and Germany. But the region is expected to experience strong growth in power generation this year and maintain sustained growth in the years ahead, driven mainly by the massive expansion of renewables.


According to Rystad Energy"s calculations, the share of renewables in the Iberian energy mix will increase from 48% in 2021 to 64% in 2025 and 79% in 2030. That places the region at the head of the European energy transition and will make it the “renewable leader in Europe,” according to Rystad Energy.

根据Rystad Energy的计算,可再生能源在伊比利亚能源结构中的份额将从2021的48%增加到2025年的64%和2030年的79%。该机构表示,这将使该地区处于欧洲能源转型的领先地位,并将使其成为“欧洲可再生能源领导者”。

Germany installed 750 MW of solar in September


The Bundesnetzagentur says the country added about 750 MW of new solar capacity in September. Around 691.3 MW were subsidized under the country’s EEG renewables incentive program, with 10 unsubsidized projects adding a total of 58.7 MW. The agency says that some entries may have been “duplicated,” so total additions in September stand at around 750 MW.


In the first nine months of the year, Germany added a little more than 4.9 GW of EEG-subsidized PV systems and around 700 MW of unsubsidized projects. In total, the country added around 5.6 GW of new PV capacity up to September.

今年前9个月,德国新增了略多于4.9 GW的补贴光伏系统和约700兆瓦的未补贴项目。截至9月,该国新增光伏装机总计约5.6 GW。


Danish developer set to build Sweden’s largest solar park


Denmark-based project developer European Energy is set to start construction on a 128.5 MW solar park in Svedberga, outside the southern Swedish city of Helsingborg. Upon completion, the plant will be the country"s largest solar facility, with an annual production capacity of 175 GWh per year. Completion is expected by 2023, with production starting in 2024.

总部位于丹麦的项目开发商欧洲能源公司(European Energy)将在瑞典南部城市赫尔辛堡(Helsingborg)外的斯维德贝加(Svedberga)建设一个128.5兆瓦的太阳能电站。建成后,该电站将成为该国最大的光伏电站,年发电量175GWh。预计2023年完工,2024年开始运营。

Construction of the solar park was halted in April when the Skåne county council rejected its application. It said that the land would be better used to help maintain the nation’s food supply. European Energy appealed the decision which the Land and Environment Court in Växjö. The court said that “the protective measures and adaptations that European Energy has proposed to protect the environment are sufficient.”




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